Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Habit

Luremaking is slowly invading my life. It's great how this shit is completely taking me away even when i'm not fishing yet totally immersed in the mindset. Watching some fishing TV shows passes time but doesn't fulfill my idle hands.

On the note of television and fishing I would love to make a note of Midwest Crappie. This show is absolutely amazing. All about panfishing and crappie fishing with lots of great tips. It's not easy to make a great fishing TV show these days and this show has originality. I really do enjoy a show focusing on something other than the infamous green trout anyhow.

After visiting some yard sales and 'fishing' for bargains I started some reading on what other ideas may have been spun around the interwebs as far as making some lures. This Backwoods Home article came up giving some great ideas. One of the ideas that I really liked was visiting thrift stores for costume jewelery to make into lures.

One thing I have to say is that I dont like a lure I made and I wont buy a lure unless it looks good. I believe confidence has a lot to do with fishing a good lure. This tends to make me create my lures to a professional quality that noone else will be able to land their hands on.


  1. Great stuff BobbyD. It's nice to find another creative lure builder/tinkerer out there on the interweb. Any pics of your builds yet? I for one would love to see them if you do. :-) Have a good one! lb

  2. I know my wife has some earrings that already look like great lures!
